Canaria info forside billede tekst

Marked i Puerto Mogan 3

The cities of Gran Canaria

There are a lot of differences in the cities of Gran Canaria, but those in the tourist area on the south coast only consist of hotels and shopping centers, all of which are there simply to entertain and to help the visitors spend their money.
But if you want to experience the real Gran Canaria then you need to move away from the tourist areas and find the local towns which are further up on the island there you can listen to local music and watch folk dancing and enjoy the taste  of real Canarian cuisine it is such a wonderful experience to sit on the town square in the evening with a blanket around you and feel the wind sweeping around your feet.

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If you choose to go for a walk local non tourist areas then you will experience an entirely different Gran Canaria, both with the friendliness of the people on the streets and in the restaurants there you will find the peace and the tranquility of the real Gran Canaria.

Canariainfo guide

If you are traveling alone and would like to be part of one of these evenings we here at Canariainfo can organize this for you and help you enjoy an experience you will never forget.

If you would like any further information about the services that we can offer please do not hesitate to send us an email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with your requests and we will try to find something of interest for you.

Patalavaca a small cozy resort town on Gran Canaria

Patalavaca is probably one of the smallest cities in the tourist area, but it is certainly not boring. It is believed that there is virtually nothing but the building you see, just around the roundabout, but it's not quite right. On one side of the roundabout is one of the oldest apartment complexes, called "Donana", it is located in the corner and all apartments have sea views.

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On the other hand there is a small shopping center where you can also find some restaurants and you will not see anymore. If you follow the road past the yellow center and keep to the right of the roundabout, you will find a new city, both with rental complexes and residential properties, common to all of them, they have a fantastic views over the sea and the bay in front of "Anfi"

If you want to spend your holidays in Patalavaca, try to rent privately, or go straight to the places you would like to live there are not many charter companies offering something here.

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This is happening in Gran Canaria

Calendar of local holidays in 2022, for the Canary Islands --- Remember you are not allowed to go topless in the cityscape, only on and around the beach - - - The local weather forecast can be found here If you type the city name in the search box, you will get the most local weather we have.. - - - If you need assistance for the disabled while you are in Gran Canaria, please contact Canariainfo. - - - If you need transport to or from the airport, we will get a price from our driver. - - - If you have an accident and need help in hospital or similar places, please contact Canariainfo. - - - Travel insurance for people over 70. - - - Cocodrilo Park in Aguimes is open Friday - Saturday and Sunday from 10:30 to 16:30 Entrance closes 15.30 - - - Here you will find the schedule of the theatre in Vecindario for the rest of the year. Teatro Victor Jara is located between C.C.Atlanico and the main street, just off the Red Centre. Here you can download the bus schedule for the public buses "GuaguasGLOBAL" - - - Ryanair hires 2000 new pilots for new planes in the next 3 years - - - Football player David Silva takes over a vineyard in Gran Canaria - - - Did you know that there are 61 vineyards in Gran Canaria - - - From Monday the 15th of November and every Monday thereafter there is a market in Puerto de Mogan. it is at the Centro Sociocultural Los Marineros and it is from 09:00 to 14:00.This is what happens in Gran CanariaWelcome to our news
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