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Børnevenlig badestrand i Mogan 1


The beach in Puerto De Mogan - Gran Canaria is very child friendly. The water is quiet and there is not deep right away. The area of sand is not so big, so it will fill up quickly. It is also many different activities on the water for both children and adults. Just behind the beach is a lovely promenade with restaurants and shops.

Handikap hjælp på stranden i Mogan 2

On the beach in Puerto De Mogan, can wheelchair users get help with bathing trip

Puerto Mogan havn 1

There are several different boat trips that depart from Puerto de Mogan – with sailing or motorized boats – but not as many as from Puerto Rico as this harbour is smaller and fewer tourists stay here. There are several different boats and you are able to book a private boat trip at an affordable price. This allows you to decide what you want to do during the hours that you have paid for. A good idea is to walk around on the harbour and listen to the different sales reps - then deduct a little and choose the boat trip that is most suitable for you and your family.

Blue Bird færge i Mogan 1

The ferries depart from Puerto De Mogan several times daily, to Puerto Rico, Anfi beach and Arguineguin. There are 2 different companies operating on these routes, the blue ferries are "Linia Bluebird" and the green is "Linia Salmon"
Both companies have boats with glass bottom, and at certain points along the way, you stop and feed the fish, which you can observe through the thick glass panes. It seems as if the fish know that there is food in store, as soon as the boats are stationary, the water surface completely alive.
There are departures from Puerto De Mogan several times a day and the trip to Puerto Rico takes about 30 minutes. If one of the "long" trip to Arguineguin, it is about 1 hour.
If you want to see the southcoast of Gran Canaria and the beach from a slightly different page, this is a good option and you decide when you will return again, you just remember to sail with the same company both ways, and you must return the same day.


You are able to book underwater excursions from Puerto de Mogan and the instructors are very qualified – thus nothing to worry about. For those of you who have not tried this before, I promise you that it is an extraordinary experience and you do not need to dive at deep waters to experience this wonderful world. At times, you only need the water to reach shoulder level – then take a deep breath and bend your knees and you are there. When you are running out of air, you straighten your legs and, in an instant, you are above the water.


Marked i Puerto Mogan 1

On market day (Friday), Mogan changes character. The village is filled with people and stands from you enter the village to you reach the back of the peer. If you have not been to the market in Mogan, you have not been to Gran Canaria. It is a good idea to book 1-2 days in advance if you want to travel to Mogan by ferry as you might experience that tickets are sold out.

If you want to enjoy the idyll of this small jewel, you should stay away on Fridays. On every other day, the village is beautiful and small channels run under the houses, and you are able to sit at the harbour and enjoy a cold drink – freshly poured from one of the many bars and restaurants. If you get too comfortable and miss the last ferry (approximately 17.00), you are able to travel home by taxi or bus.

Marked i Puerto Mogan 2Marked i Puerto Mogan 3

Oversigt hoved byerne

This is happening in Gran Canaria

Calendar of local holidays in 2022, for the Canary Islands --- Remember you are not allowed to go topless in the cityscape, only on and around the beach - - - The local weather forecast can be found here If you type the city name in the search box, you will get the most local weather we have.. - - - If you need assistance for the disabled while you are in Gran Canaria, please contact Canariainfo. - - - If you need transport to or from the airport, we will get a price from our driver. - - - If you have an accident and need help in hospital or similar places, please contact Canariainfo. - - - Travel insurance for people over 70. - - - Cocodrilo Park in Aguimes is open Friday - Saturday and Sunday from 10:30 to 16:30 Entrance closes 15.30 - - - Here you will find the schedule of the theatre in Vecindario for the rest of the year. Teatro Victor Jara is located between C.C.Atlanico and the main street, just off the Red Centre. Here you can download the bus schedule for the public buses "GuaguasGLOBAL" - - - Ryanair hires 2000 new pilots for new planes in the next 3 years - - - Football player David Silva takes over a vineyard in Gran Canaria - - - Did you know that there are 61 vineyards in Gran Canaria - - - From Monday the 15th of November and every Monday thereafter there is a market in Puerto de Mogan. it is at the Centro Sociocultural Los Marineros and it is from 09:00 to 14:00.This is what happens in Gran CanariaWelcome to our news
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