Canaria info forside billede tekst

Here you can fully fly without jumping out of a plane.

Fly Gran Canaria 2


FLY Gran Canaria is the first and only indoor skydiving wind tunnel in the Canary Islands and offers you the unique experience of flying without any risk and without having to face the fear of jumping out of a plane.

A wind tunnel is a machine that produces the column of air over which you float in the flight chamber. Two powerful engines propel two sets of propellers to move the air and generate a vertical upward current of up to 270km/h that will allow you to fly totally safely.

By simply lying down in the air current you can float above the wind and experience the exciting sensation of flying. Our professional instructors will accompany you at all times.

The wind tunnels allow everyone to experience the unique experience of flying safely and pleasant

Fly Gran Canaria 6

Fly Gran Canaria 7Fly Gran Canaria 5Fly Gran Canaria 3 

You will find us in Puerto Rico, past the large shopping center, towards the bottom of the valley, on the right.

You can contact us here This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  or on

Oversigt hoved byerne

This is happening in Gran Canaria

Calendar of local holidays in 2022, for the Canary Islands --- Remember you are not allowed to go topless in the cityscape, only on and around the beach - - - The local weather forecast can be found here If you type the city name in the search box, you will get the most local weather we have.. - - - If you need assistance for the disabled while you are in Gran Canaria, please contact Canariainfo. - - - If you need transport to or from the airport, we will get a price from our driver. - - - If you have an accident and need help in hospital or similar places, please contact Canariainfo. - - - Travel insurance for people over 70. - - - Cocodrilo Park in Aguimes is open Friday - Saturday and Sunday from 10:30 to 16:30 Entrance closes 15.30 - - - Here you will find the schedule of the theatre in Vecindario for the rest of the year. Teatro Victor Jara is located between C.C.Atlanico and the main street, just off the Red Centre. Here you can download the bus schedule for the public buses "GuaguasGLOBAL" - - - Ryanair hires 2000 new pilots for new planes in the next 3 years - - - Football player David Silva takes over a vineyard in Gran Canaria - - - Did you know that there are 61 vineyards in Gran Canaria - - - From Monday the 15th of November and every Monday thereafter there is a market in Puerto de Mogan. it is at the Centro Sociocultural Los Marineros and it is from 09:00 to 14:00.This is what happens in Gran CanariaWelcome to our news
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