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Saltmuseum 01Salinas de Tenefe, is an area down the coast at Vecindario, called "Pozo Izquierdo", where salt has been recovered since the early 1800's.

Salt is still being extracted from the sea water using the old methods, and you can come down and see if you want to. It is written that there is a museum, and that’s not completely true, but ok, you can see how it happens.
There are 20,000 m2 of saltwater basins, and as the water evaporates, yes there is only salt left, also called the white gold. On April 26, 2005, the area was declared as a special cultural heritage, and it certainly helped to raise the price of the salt they make.

Saltmuseum 05

Salt is still being extracted from the sea water using the old methods, and you can come down and see if you want to. It is written that there is a museum, and that’s not completely true, but ok, you can see how it happens.

There are 20,000 m2 of saltwater basins, and as the water evaporates, yes there is only salt left, also called the white gold. On April 26, 2005, the area was declared as a special cultural heritage, and it certainly helped to raise the price of the salt they make.

Most of it is sold to the mainland, but if you want to buy one kilo you have to pay about 15 euros for that, and so part of it is still water, as it's far from dry yet.

You can, as mentioned, come down and see the area, but if you want a tour of the museum you must book a time since it is not open at any particular time. You can write to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. in English, but Canariainfo can also help you.


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