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Visit more than one island while traveling to the Canary Islands

The Canary Island archipelago enjoys a mild, spring-like climate all year round, an average annual temperature of 22º centigrade and three thousand hours of sunlight a year.

Surrounded by the blue waters of the Atlantic Ocean, they display all the diversity and wealth that makes this an archipelago that is unique in the world.
Canaries is one of the regions of the world with the greatest biodiversity. It has a wide variety of landscapes: spectacular volcanoes, lush forests, deep ravines and wonderful beaches.
All the islands are volcanic in origin and we can tell you that the oldest islands are La Gomera, Gran Canaria, Fuerteventura and Lanzarote, while the most recent ones are El Hierro, La Palma and Tenerife.

Visit more than one island
It doesn’t matter which island you have chosen as your prime destination, you can make the most of your journey and visit other islands of the archipelago with the Fred Olsen Express fleet of ships. The modern fast ferries that the company offers can make your visit to other islands an easy venture. The greatest distance between islands is a maximum of three hours. The closest is only twenty five minutes away, with frequent departures hroughout the day. frade olsen line dk with shadow

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